Monday, April 11, 2011

At The Cross

For the first time in a while, I have been attending a church that partakes of communion each Sunday morning.  At the same time, I have been having this sense of drawing closer to Christ and have been continually awed by the work that was accomplished both on the cross and in the days following.  On Sunday afternoon, pretty much as soon as I returned from church, I grabbed my Bible and a notebook and headed to the Hudson Room at college, where I sat down and chilled with the piano.  After doing some warm-ups and playing through a couple of other songs, I decided to put my head down and try cranking out another song.  I began by praying that God would lead my thoughts.  As I prayed, I had this growing amazement and awe welling up within me as my mind continued to turn to the cross, and I really felt God leading me to write something to match.  The name of the song that was written that afternoon I have entitled "At The Cross" and the lyrics have been posted here for God's glory and for your encouragement.

At The Cross

Selflessly, You gave at the cross -
A sacrifice to save the lost.
You chose Your Father's will,
And gave it all for us.
Selflessly, You died upon that cross.

There on that day
They heard You say,
"Father, forgive them.
They know not what they do."
The whole earth shook,
And it trembled
As the Father turned
His face away.
Oh, the price He chose to pay.

Thankfully, it did not finish there -
On the third day the tomb was found bare.
He is risen from the grave;
Death has lost its sting.
Jesus Christ is alive - He's here today!

Holy is the Lord Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb
To receive
All the glory,
And the honour
And the power forevermore.

© Stephen Khu 2011