Saturday, October 04, 2008

Creation's Celebration

It's been a while... Anyways...I was meaning to put these poems up here straight after they were written, but I never got around to it... This poem was written in July by a friend from church and I. It's called "Creation's Celebration."
Peace like a river
Is flowing all around
The rhythm of life
Welling up from the ground
Creation shouts from heights above
Creation roars from depths beneath
Creation kneels and offers up
A perfect, majestic, glorious wreathe
The heavens thunder praise
The earth is going wild
Christ looks down and giggles
With the innocence of a child
With child-like excitement
Enjoying Heavenly pleasures
In total adoration
Creation, He treasures
One with the Father
Fully alive and free
At the last, He said,
"Let's enter eternity."
Written by Bazza and the "Mo"

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