Saturday, October 04, 2008


This is another fairly strong poem. I started writing it the same night as the other two poems...but was unable to get it finished. The topic in this poem is about living a genuine Christian life. It's what was supposed to be the topic for the previous poem...but when I tried to write just didn't come out...until later... To those who read this, I pray you are challenged to live your life as a true, godly example in this world.

You say one thing, yet act another.
Are you really a sister or brother?
Make up your mind - stop living two lives.
Choose one or the other. Sharpen those knives.
Cut off the lies, the greed and contempt.
Get rid of your pride, and your ways that are bent.
You're under surveillance - people follow your lead.
Is the example you're setting what they really need?
Christ has no room for YOUR ways in HIS world.
So, I suggest you be quick, lest His anger's unfurled.
You've forfeit your life, but it's not quite the end.
You've still got a chance - your life, Christ can mend.
He can make you anew - just give Him your heart,
And determine to be different - to live right, from the start.
It's hard to live true, yet it's worth all the pain.
The cost will be high, but great treasures you'll gain.
Eternal life with the Father is beyond all compare.
Change - be genuine, and I'll see you there.
By the "Mo".

Be Yourself

This next poem I wrote on my own... I was, and still am, quite passionate about this issue when I wrote it. We need to stop trying to be someone we're not. If you're name's not Michael Jordan, then you were never meant to be Michael Jordan. If you're name's not Brett Lee, then you were never meant to be Brett Lee. It's great to have role models. Just don't focus so much on trying to be them that you actually forget who you really are. You have a name and you have a purpose. Only you can fulfill your purpose, and you can only do it by being yourself. God knew what you were going to do before you were born. He knew your gifts and abilities. He knew your weaknesses. He has given you everything you need to be able to accomplish His plans for your life. And don't forget, God loves you. He always has, and He always will. It doesn't matter what you're going through - He's right beside you. You can turn to Him at any time. The title of this poem is "Be Yourself."

I serve God
And God alone
So I'm gonna be frank
Get my tone?
Don't fake if you ain't
You are who you are
It's you who'll suffer
Your reputation you'll mar
Yourself is best
Yourself is unique
No-one's like you
When you're at your peak
Don't hide behind walls
Or board yourself in
Step up! Speak out!
Make a loud din!
Don't cower with fear
Serve with your all
He's right behind you
Let the chains fall
You'll be mocked for sure
So just stand strong
Follow God's lead
Don't follow the throng
God's got you tight
You know He's there
He's all you need
You're in His care.
By the "Mo".

Creation's Celebration

It's been a while... Anyways...I was meaning to put these poems up here straight after they were written, but I never got around to it... This poem was written in July by a friend from church and I. It's called "Creation's Celebration."
Peace like a river
Is flowing all around
The rhythm of life
Welling up from the ground
Creation shouts from heights above
Creation roars from depths beneath
Creation kneels and offers up
A perfect, majestic, glorious wreathe
The heavens thunder praise
The earth is going wild
Christ looks down and giggles
With the innocence of a child
With child-like excitement
Enjoying Heavenly pleasures
In total adoration
Creation, He treasures
One with the Father
Fully alive and free
At the last, He said,
"Let's enter eternity."
Written by Bazza and the "Mo"